Brad's WebDev Projects

What is an IP address? An IP adress is an Internet Protocol adress and it allows computers to communicate with each other.

How does it work? An IP Adress worls similarly to a postal adress in that it goves other computers a location to send information.

What is a domain name? A domain name is the name of a website.

How does it relate to the IP address? The domain name is what is seen and used by users while IP adresses are for inter-computewr communication.

What does HTML stand for? Hypertext Markup Language

What is the default page named in a website (e.g. the home page)? index.html

What is the image html tag? < img src="url" />

What is a server? How is it different than a standard computer? A server manages access to a centralized resource in a network.

What are the tags needed for HTML tables? < tr > creates a table row and < td > creates data for the rows.

What does an iFrame allow you to do? It allows you to display a second webpage within your webpage

What does the < a > tag do?

What does the < tr > tag do? It creates rows within a table.

What does it cost for a web development company to create a webpage? How long does it take? It can cost anywhere from $2,000-$100,000 and takes usually a couple months to create the webpage.